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Vertex AI provides both, AutoML, a no-code solution, and custom training, a code-based solution.

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Let’s start with Vertex AI.

What are the problems it solves?

what are the benefits of using it? and finally

what are its key features?

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For years now, Google has invested time and resources into developing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML).

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Google had developed and supported key technologies and products, from the development of scikit-learn as a Google summer coding project back in 2007, to TensorFlow 2.0 in 2019, and to Vertex AI in 2021.

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As an AI-first company, Google has applied AI technologies to many of its products and services, such as

  • Gmail,

  • Google Maps,

  • Google Photos, and

  • Google Translate.

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But developing these technologies doesn’t come without challenges, especially when it involves developing machine learning models and putting them into production.

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Some traditional challenges include determining how to handle large quantities of data,

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choosing the right machine learning model to train the data

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and harnessing the required amount of computing power.

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Then there are challenges around getting ML models into production.

Production challenges require

  • scalability,

  • monitoring and

  • continuous integration and delivery or deployment.

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In fact, according to Gartner, __

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And finally, there are ease-of-use challenges.

Many tools on the market:

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Require advanced coding skills, which can take away the focus of a data scientist from model configuration.

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Require expertise in ML and NLP, which is an obstacle for field experts who need to solve practical NLP problems but lack ML knowledge.

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Provide no unified workflow.

A data scientist often has to use multiple tools that are not compatible with each other.

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Google’s solution to many of the production and ease-of-use challenges is Vertex AI, a unified platform that brings all the components of the machine learning ecosystem and workflow together.

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So, what exactly does a unified platform mean?

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In the case of Vertex AI, it means having one digital experience to create, deploy, and manage models over time and at scale.

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For example, During the data readiness stage, users can upload data from wherever it’s stored (Cloud Storage, BigQuery, or a local machine).

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Then, during the feature-readiness stage, users can create features, which are the processed data that will be put into the model, and then share them with others by using the feature store.

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After that, it’s time for training and hyperparameter tuning.

This means that when the data is ready, users can experiment with different models and adjust hyperparameters.

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And finally, during deployment and model monitoring, users can set up the pipeline to transform the model into production by automatically monitoring and performing continuous improvements.

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Being able to perform such a wide range of tasks in one unified platform has many benefits.

This can be summarized with four Ss:

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It’s seamless.

Vertex AI provides a smooth user experience from uploading and preparing data to model training and production.

You can complete an end-to-end NLP workflow with one single platform on Vertex AI without having to deal with multiple tools at the same time.

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It’s scalable.

The machine learning operations or MLOps provided by Vertex AI help to monitor and manage the ML production; scaling the storage and computing power automatically.

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It’s sustainable.

All of the artifacts and features created with Vertex AI can be reused and shared.

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And it’s speedy.

Vertex AI produces models that have 80% fewer lines of code than competitors.

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If you refer back to the different options to develop an NLP project, Vertex AI allows users to build NLP models with either AutoML, a no-code solution, or Custom Training, a code-based solution.

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Vertex AI provides many features to support the ML workflow, all of which are accessible through either AutoML or Vertex AI Workbench.

Examples include:

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which provides

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