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Welcome to Designing Adaptable ML systems.

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In this module, we’ll explore how to:

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Recognize the ways that a model is dependent on data

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Make cost-conscious engineering decisions

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Know when to roll back a model to an earlier version

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Debug the causes of observed model behavior

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Implement a pipeline that is immune to one type of dependency

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In the 16th century, John Donne famously wrote in one of his poems that no man is an island.

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He meant that human beings need to be part of a community to thrive.

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In software engineering terms

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we would say that few software programs adopt a monolithic island-like design.

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Instead, most software today is modular, and depends on other software

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Modular programs are:

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more maintainable,

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as well as easier to reuse,

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and fix because they allow engineers to focus on small pieces of code rather than the entire program.

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Containers make it easier to manage modular programs.

A container is an abstraction that packages applications and libraries together

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so that the applications can run on a greater variety of hardware and operating systems.

This ultimately makes hosting large applications better.

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To learn more about Kubernetes, Google’s open source container orchestration software, check out the getting started with Google Kubernetes engine course.

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But what if there was no way to identify a specific version of a library

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and you had to rely on finding similar libraries at run-time?

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Furthermore, what if someone else got to choose which version got run

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and they didn’t know or really care about your program?

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There would be no way of knowing what the run-time behavior would look like.

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Unfortunately, this is precisely the case for machine learning,

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because the run-time instructions, for example, the model weights,

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depend on the data that the model was trained on.

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Additionally, similar data will yield similar instructions.

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And finally other people including other teams and our users create our data.

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Just like in traditional software engineering, mismanaged dependencies say,

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code that assumes one set of instructions, will be called

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when another end up being called instead

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can be expensive.

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Your models’ accuracy might go down or become unstable.

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Sometimes, the errors are subtle and your team may end up spending a large proportion of its time debugging.

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