1/5 Lab Introduction: Serving ML Predictions in Batch and Real Time

This lab provides hands-on practice serving machine learning predictions in batch and real time.

2/5 Lab Introduction: Serving ML Predictions in Batch and Real Time

You’ll begin by creating a prediction service to call a trained model that has been deployed in Google Cloud.

3/5 Lab Introduction: Serving ML Predictions in Batch and Real Time

From there, you’ll practice running a Dataflow job where the prediction service reads in batches from a CSV file.

4/5 Lab Introduction: Serving ML Predictions in Batch and Real Time

And, finally, you’ll learn how to run a streaming Dataflow pipeline to read requests in real time from Cloud Pub/Sub,

5/5 Lab Introduction: Serving ML Predictions in Batch and Real Time

and also write predictions to a BigQuery table.